Snacktime: New Milk-Bone Farmer's Medley Dog Biscuits

I've always given my dogs treats. Usually it's an occasional thing, like when Django just will not come in because she's trying to get the attention of the cat next door. I taught her early on to always come when I say 'Get in" and she always does, no matter how excited or insane she is with the cat outside. That deserves a treat because I always want to reward her for important things and coming when I call her is a safety issue.

However, as many of you know, Django is now our model for our shop, BKLYN Handmade. Several times week, she models dog snoods and scarves, and she does so quite happily. I put the snood over her head and she runs right up to the stairs in the yard, takes a seat and looks incredibly cute while I snap photos.

She models in all kinds of weather and is so obedient and compliant, and I am so lucky she is — plus she looks imply adorable! So after every single photo shoot, I give her a treat or two.

Since it's become such a regular occurrence, I wanted to make sure that what I was giving her is healthy. I recently partnered with Milk-Bone to try out their new Farmer's Medley dog treats. They are full of great ingredients! Below are some of the questions I think about before I buy treats for my dog.

Will my dog like them?
They contain real meat and vegetables which Django loves and even though she is a picky eater at times, she very eagerly consumes bite-sized cute biscuits.

Does this treat have quality ingredients?

Milk-Bone's Farmer's Medley treats contain simple ingredients, so I can rest assured that I am giving the best product to Django. The treats are made with real US-sourced beef, chicken, turkey, or lamb and vegetables. And I am excited about the grain-free options (though Django loves the whole-grain treats, too)! I feel good about feeding these biscuits to my dog everyday.

Does it fit my budget?
Many quality dog treats can be pricey and can have you guessing if your choice was worth the big bucks.  Milk-Bone Farmer's Medley dog treats provide the same quality ingredients found in premium dog biscuits, but at an affordable price. So you don't have to worry about breaking the bank by spending a lot on premium treat options for your dog.

I would love to hear how many times you give your dogs treats, and how you go about selecting which treats to buy in the comments below.

To learn more about Milk-Bone Farmer's Medley dog treats (and where you can find them near you), head over to .

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