#PinnacleHealthyPets: How Grain Free Dog Food Helped Django's Food Issues

pinnacle dog food
This post is sponsored by Pinnacle and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping create awareness about Pinnacle's Newly Formulated Grain Free Dog Food, but Some Puppy To Love only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Pinnacle is not responsible for the content of this article.

Many of you will remember the various trials I've been through with Django's eating. After scarfing down her meals in puppyhood, she somehow settled into a being an incredibly picky eater as an adult. She will always happily welcome a handout from our plates, and does a fabulous orphan pose for just a taste, but I'd venture to say that about 80% of the time, she will walk over to her food bowl when I fill it up, sniff for a second and walk away. Unless, of course, if Hayley is around. Then she will fiercely claim her bowl while still not really eating much of it.
pinnacle dog food

As a result, there are times in the day when Django's belly will growl so loud, we can hear it over the TV. Usually, one of us will then give her a crust from a sandwich or a dog treat, so something else to stave off the hunger a little bit. I always say I'm not going to give her anything until  she eats her own food. but I rarely do. I've tried many different foods but her pickiness is practically an art form.

A month ago as part of a campaign for Pinnacle® Dog Food, I started feeding her grain free dog food and lo and behold, she began eating it. In the past, her food would sit in her bowl all day, but when I gave her Pinnacle, she started eating her meals at mealtime. Another thing I noticed was that she was hungry and looking to eat right before mealtime. I feed my dogs at 6am and 6pm and while Hayley is always ready to eat, Django wouldn't even go look at her bowl many times when I poured the food in. Also, those terrible stomach growls have gone away. 
pinnacle dog food

My daughter has to maintain a gluten free diet. If she consumes gluten she knows she will pay for it. After seeing how my daughter's body responds to gluten, I wondered if Django's body works better when she's grain free. Django also has a lot of allergies and I'm interested to see if they alleviate somewhat with this new diet.

Pinnacle isn't only just grain-free; it has many health benefits:
–Quality ingredients like quinoa, sweet potato, pumpkin, sea kelp, cottage cheese
—Natural, healthy recipes that use high quality proteins
—Antioxidants to support healthy immune system
—Fiber to encourage healthy digestion and small stool
—Promotes general joint health and overall muscle tone
—All the food is made in the United States at a California plant.

To find Pinnacle in your neighborhood, click here on the Pinnacle Dog Food store locator.
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