Nothing Compares To The Love Of A Dog #SayitwithMilkBone

Nothing Compares To The Love Of A Dog #SayitwithMilkBone
Django enjoying her favorite biscuit
We "saw each across a crowded room" has never factored more into my life than when I first laid my eyes on Django. After being at North Shore Animal League for more than an hour, my husband, our kids, and I had pet and held a bunch of puppies. All were cuddly. All were cute. All needed a good home.

It was not an easy decision. I really wanted to bring every dog home and take care of them. Ever since I was a child, I wanted to rescue every dog that needed it. We had two dogs for most of my childhood and my dogs always brought me love and companionship. I remember running home after school to let my dogs out in the yard and then give them a Milk-Bone® biscuit, and play with them. I also remember seeing stray dogs on our street and feeding them and doing all I could do to help them along, but ultimately having to watch them go away. Thankfully, there are not many stray dogs around my streets anymore, but my heart will forever go out to all dogs that need help. It is the reason I write about them. Of course, the love of dogs have also been a constant in my life. I have never been without a dog in my home. I have been blessed.

So back in 2010, when we were visiting North Shore searching for an addition to our furry family (which already included our chihuahua mix, Hayley), it was incredibly difficult to choose just one dog to bring home. I adored every mixed pup I picked up that day and I knew that we were nearing having to make a decision when I saw a new batch of puppies being wheeled into the room. Like in a movie, I turned my head in what felt like slow motion and locked eyes with one sweet 8-week-old black Lab mix. With mushy, wrinkled lips and sad eyes, she looked at me from across the room as I was holding a puppy that my husband liked.

Nothing Compares To The Love Of A Dog #SayitwithMilkBone
Hayley gets a bone of her own!
Can I just see this pup, I asked. A couple was right near the cages and eyeing the mushy pup I instantly fell in love with while I waited for an adoption specialist to allow me to hold her. They got the first hold and then proceeded to place her on a table as they petted and played with her. They would take her, I was sure. The adoption specialist said to just wait, they might want to look around and as soon as they went onto another puppy, she would let me hold her. The couple thought she was adorable, I could tell. Who wouldn't? 

After 10 minutes or so, they went on to see another puppy and put her back in her cage. The specialist I was talking to went over immediately and handed her to me. And that was all she wrote.

I can't say exactly what it was, because like I said, every puppy was (and is) special and beautiful, and would have made a fine pet, but Django was my dog and I just knew it. 

Today, it's been three years since she came home with us and she is my loyal companion and friend. She knows me and I know her, unlike any other relationship. She is always there for me and gets genuinely excited every single time I come back home. She is sweet and loving, knows when I'm sad or sick, and sleeps with us every night. 

Old habits die hard, and when out, I still find myself wanting to go home and see my dogs, give them a Milk-Bone treat, and then just play. Dogs have enriched my life in so many ways, so this Valentine's Day, I plan to spoil my pups. 

Love comes in many forms and we are lucky to have it in our lives, but no love can match the pure, unadulterated, unconditional love of a dog.

From our pups to yours, Happy Valentine's Day!

How do you spoil your dog? Do you #SayItWithMilk-Bone? If you do, like so many of us have growing up, pick up a box of Milk-Bone dog biscuits and create new memories with your precious pup. Visit Milk-Bone for a chance to win a year's supply of Milk-Bone dog biscuits and a $1,000 cash prize!  No purchase is necessary. 

Nothing Compares To The Love Of A Dog #SayitwithMilkBone

This post is sponsored by Milk-Bone on behalf of the BlogPaws Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about The Say It with Milk-Bone Campaign, but Some Puppy To Love only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Milk-Bone is not responsible for the content of this article.

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