No one said being Santa was easy. It is one pretty tough job. Before the big day, he has to hit the stores and endure the long lines, crazy kids, and frenzied parents. On the big night, Santa has to find just the right gift for each and every child in the world. (Kind of makes your shopping list seem suddenly easier, doesn’t it?) And that’s not even counting the worldwide trip performed in just 24 hours.
However there are some rewards, like the pampering from Mrs. Claus and the additional help from all the elves, and then of course, there are the cookies, oh, the cookies!

If human Santa ever gets tired, he can surely rely on our canine friends to jump in and take over. In fact, these cute pups are ready to commit.
Find out the reasons why these adorable dogs might do a better job than St. Nick himself- they might just leave you shouting “Santa, Puppy!”
Check out all the adorable photos at Babble Pets.