Matted Dog Makes Unbelievable Transformation

matted dog
Honestly, when I first saw this photo, I had no idea what I was looking at. I knew it was an animal but I had to no idea where the head or tail even was: the fur on this poor thing was just that overgrown. 

It turns out underneath this heap of unruly fur was one sweet matted dog… and a very neglected poodle.
Named Ginger, this 14-year-old (yes, 14!) darling had been surrendered at a Texas facility by an owner who admitted they just could just not care for the dog. It's a shame they hadn’t surrendered this poor pup a long time before the pooch got into this condition.
Vets at the Texas shelter say that Ginger’s teeth also suffered badly from inadequate attention and she will need extensive dental treatment as well.
Once the staff gave Ginger a much-needed trim, she emerged from the clumps of fur and showed everyone just what a sweetie she is.
Watch this video to see how Ginger looks now!

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