Watch The Inspiring Story of Billy, The Chihuahua, A Puppy Mill Rescue (Video)

I know there is a special place in heaven for animal rescuers. Everyday they work continuously to help the helpless animals who would otherwise have absolutely no one they can count on to save them from their dire situations. Puppy mill rescuers in particular are my heroes. So, when I was sent this video from the Humane Society detailing the story of Billy the Chihuahua, and Adam, his rescuer, I was moved to tears.

Adam is just one of the many fearless and compassionate heroes who go into puppy mills to rescue the neglected (and often abused) puppies in them. When Adam and his team investigated a puppy mill in North Carolina, they found several puppies that were left to live their lives in filthy and inhumane conditions.

Then Adam discovered Billy’s cage.

This tiny lil guy was found severely underweight, and was so malnourished that half of his bottom jaw was missing. I don’t know how, but even through all that, this sweet pup was happy after Adam pried open the cage in which Billy was kept because the lock had rusted over. Adam says that he had probably lived his entire life in that cage and was only sporadically slipped food in between the bars.

“When I got this little guy out, he laid his head on my shoulder and I felt responsible for him and I felt responsible for making sure that he was never going to have to suffer like that again.”

Adam adopted Billy and says he is amazed at how quickly Billy has responded and managed to retain a loving heart.

Our own Chihuahua, Hayley, could be Billy’s (larger) clone. When we adopted her, she was in bad shape, severely abused, matted, and full of ticks. Like Billy, she was pitiful and loving, and her long tongue hung out of her crooked mouth when she smiled. She was needy and just needed someone to love her.

It is a shame what these poor pups endure in puppy mills, which is why it is vital that animal lovers step up and try to close them down.

To make a donation to the Human Society, click here. For more on puppy mills, read the post New ASPCA Video: Puppies Are Not Toys.

Watch the beautiful story of Billy and Adam below:

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