Bob Parsons, CEO Of GoDaddy Posts Video Of Elephant Hunt, Should Parents Boycott?

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GoDaddy might be the number-one Internet domain name company, but maybe not for long. CEO, Bob Parsons recently vacationed in Zimbabwe and while there, he embarked on an elephant hunt and posted a video of the ordeal when he got back home. Many people, including People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are calling for bloggers and businesses to shut down their GoDaddy domain service accounts.

The video contains captions that tell the story behind the hunt. According to the video, the elephants are destroying the farmlands. He said a local farmer asked him to hunt the elephants that were destroying crops on his farm and leading to growing hunger in the area. It looks like Parsons was all too happy to oblige from the photos taken immediately after the killing showing Parsons holding his shotgun as he stands proudly in front of the dead elephant. He says, “Each year I go to Zimbabwe and hunt problem elephant. It’s one of the most beneficial and rewarding things I do.”

As soon as the elephant is killed, crowds start to gather to cut up and eat the meat. They also rapidly dispense the meat to feed their families. He says that as big as the elephant was, there is still not enough meat to go around. This video is admittedly hard to watch. It’s difficult to hear the shots go off and it is just as harrowing to see the Zimbabwe natives scrounging for the meat.

ABC News reports that PETA says their objection is largely centered around his posting of the video. “It’s just horrible for him to post a video of him shooting this animal,” said Ashley Gonzalez, a PETA spokeswoman. “We’re encouraging anyone who has a domain business with Go Daddy to cut ties. He’s obviously not feeling remorseful, but if his customer base speaks up, maybe he’ll listen to that message.” Gonzalez said that although the elephants are not endangered, they are “majestic animals that have complex emotions and family bonds.”

For those who want to rid themselves of GoDaddy, their competitor “Namecheap is inviting attention to the controversy and has launched a promotion in which you can transfer your account for $4.99. Namecheap also said it will donate $1 to Save the Elephants.”

Image: GoDaddy

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